Monday, September 19, 2005

Hello Moto

I've been bonkers over this phone since the time Ive laid my eyes on the AD quiet some time back. Its beeeeoooooottiphullllll. The first phone I ever had was a sony cmdj70. It was slim with a jog-dial but the ring tones were so horrendous that it could take on a boisterous baby head on! I had no choice but to keep this object-of-my-friends'-unwanted-attention for a whole two years. To replace the ring tone with something cooler, I recorded GNR's "sweet child of mine"..and set it up only to make axl rose sound like he had a frog shoved down his throat while singing.

After these two years of agony came Nokia 6310.. Not a bad phone .. well least in the early 60s i guess. Now this one was fully loaded with all the features from bluetooth to green screens.. but it had the look and feel of a nataraj geometry box! One rainy day when i was returning home, it fell off my pocket summersaulting (yes i bet you dont know the right spelling too )into the air. Since then the vibrator conked, and my friends would amuse themselves for hours by shaking it.

Say hello to my Moto_razr V3
Slimmer than Amrita Rao's waistline...Its what I'd like to call a MAN'S phone.
Amazing ringtones, 4x zoom camera, and looks to die for! Memory's poor, but who's complaining?! They have drastically reduced the prices, but this is still a niche in the market. People still prefer the broad nokias , good for them.
More moto later...


At 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ssssssssssssole, it rocks! Post a pic as well..


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