Freedom Of Preach?
Freedom of Speech is highly over-rated!
Freedom of speech is for dead-ducks! A subtle shade of success.! Its for those who wish to sit around voicing their opinions expecting to gravitate the world's attention!Its for the pseudo moralist who wishes to have something but is too lazy/senile/impotent/incapable of getting it. The mortal altruist who craves attention for the strangest of the honky-tonk reasons. There is nothing more sweeter than tasting the success of one's own "action". Its bolder than the boring homogeneity of anticipation! Probably reckless, but efficient. An objective class of endurance. Shooting oneself in the mouth is probably a more conducive modus-operandi. A lesser pessimist would agree. FOS is the originator of chaos not an anodyne. FOS is the root and seed of action.? Action is what is preached vehemently through FOS. FOS is probably the methodical approach but if left at just that can shoot the cause on the face. Maybe, I'd want to turn away and not look, blowing my nose in disgust and walk away as far as I can to avoid all contact and not hear a thing. But this one sense of freedom of speech wouldn't stop yapping! Apparently it's a fundamental right..! Yep all five senses which probably have their own fundamental rights wish to disagree! On the bright side, what has ever been achieved by silence.Independence? Oh yes! So why FOS? Did somebody just say that's precisely what this post is doing?