then and now
artists had to do concerts to make money back when it all started
then came the record companies
who made it easy to spread the word around, popularise the music and make a lotta money
artists got a fraction of what the companies made
figured they werent getting their due..
went on record asking people to steal music..
then napster happened..
now anything you need is online..
and the artists are back to doing concerts to make money..
least things are heading that way
nature has a way of correcting itself i guess
any interesting alternative revenue models for these people who write and make songs ?
any interesting alternative revenue models for these people who write and make songs ?
theres immense guilt associated with free downloading. some people compare it with sharing stuff between friends, which is more easily bought. i was just asking so when you download music you do it in vengeance on behalf of all those artistes who were treated unfairly? you do it cos you can and you feel theres nothing wrong in it..
i might know its wrong, i might not care.. it wasnt easy for people to deal with paying for records back then.. why should it now?
any mutually beneficial alternative revenue models?
if i were a musician, i would make an album for the downloaders every now and then and appeal to pay for the rest. not noble or anything, just strategic. im sure every downloader somewhere knows it isnt all right. to legitimise it would be good
hmm..... hmmmm... hows this -
we give money to bands. bands, when they release their next albums, give the money back. we can choose to give it again. and so on.
bands make money - through the interest.
we - well if they release their next album, we get our money back. else we can always decide to sell the 'shares' to others (typically the next generation of fans) once we get tired of the death growls and skeleton logos.
@ womanordi - interesting thought. might actually work on those fence sitters.
@ kk - trading them as goods in a music "stock" pile eh? lol.. incredible man! im not sure if commoditising music is a bad idea.. almost seems vulgar when you look at it from the creationist's point of view.. but might work as a business. I cant start to think of the possibilities of falsification. Much like how the awards gets you interested in something, the stock "value" can be a direct function of the trend. You know like the IT shares. But then again, you might have the floyds of the world (much like those dependable shares) which sees little variation. :D
Incredible man! Where are we screwing up here.? I know we are somewhere.
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