T-shirt haven..
Those of you looking for some good ol Lep Zepp, Jim Morrison, Floyd t-shirts etc in Bangalore, check out 2nd Floor, Fifth Avenue at Brigade Road. I can't recall the name of the shop but you get the trademark superman tees as well.
Those of you looking for some good ol Lep Zepp, Jim Morrison, Floyd t-shirts etc in Bangalore, check out 2nd Floor, Fifth Avenue at Brigade Road. I can't recall the name of the shop but you get the trademark superman tees as well.
on the pesticide-soft drink debate to the soft drink companies..
If you are an automobile industry, you don't go around blaming the engine manufacturer if the car blows up right?
If the damn fruit is forbidden, quit making fruit juice! Or least don't cry foul on the fruit!
I am against mindless jingoistic activism and all but given the fact that our bureaucratic officials are almost as corrupt as the incumbent delinquent government officials it would be nice to see a few Ralph Naders emerge here in India....