Music I recommend or don't recommend (Not in any particular order):
Tom Petty: When you are feeling happy for no particular reason
Coldplay: For all moods.! Yep trust me
Audioslave: To cool off after the miserable hour you just spent being forced to watch FRIENDS by your little sister
Yanni: The fastest way to loose your libido! For those of you who think his music is soothing..the man BEATS his wife!
Greenday: Its a lyrical splendor! Give me novocain...!
Bryan Adams: Give me poison!
U2: Good driving music.
Elton John: Must avoid while driving. (He's probably the cause of many road accidents and there should be a law against his music on radios just as there is against drunk driving!
The Who: Wattaa name!
Rammstein: Your mum didn't warn you?
Steve Wonder: Girlfriend hasn't left you yet?
Simon and Garfunkle aka Simon Uncle and Garfukar
Alan Parsons Project: Good music, band named after the inventors of the world-destroying laser beam, noted cambridge physicist Dr.Parson and Mr.Alan as referred to by Austin Powers in "The Spy who Shioked Charlie's angels"
Duran Duran: Yettanotherrreason why BRIT ROCK rocks!
Papa Roach: Paranormal Tendencies breeder.
Kate Bush : A recent music interest, a friend recommended. For those of you who like janis joplin, sheryl crow, Alanis morisette .. give her a shot.
Pearl Jam: Most of their songs are hard to forget (they're about one to two words) and they're outstanding.
KISS: Their live acts are staggering. A must watch for the stage show afficionados!