Sunday, April 09, 2006


Music I recommend or don't recommend (Not in any particular order):

Tom Petty: When you are feeling happy for no particular reason
Coldplay: For all moods.! Yep trust me
Audioslave: To cool off after the miserable hour you just spent being forced to watch FRIENDS by your little sister
Yanni: The fastest way to loose your libido! For those of you who think his music is soothing..the man BEATS his wife!
Greenday: Its a lyrical splendor! Give me novocain...!
Bryan Adams: Give me poison!
U2: Good driving music.
Elton John: Must avoid while driving. (He's probably the cause of many road accidents and there should be a law against his music on radios just as there is against drunk driving!
The Who: Wattaa name!
Rammstein: Your mum didn't warn you?
Steve Wonder: Girlfriend hasn't left you yet?
Simon and Garfunkle aka Simon Uncle and Garfukar
Alan Parsons Project: Good music, band named after the inventors of the world-destroying laser beam, noted cambridge physicist Dr.Parson and Mr.Alan as referred to by Austin Powers in "The Spy who Shioked Charlie's angels"
Duran Duran: Yettanotherrreason why BRIT ROCK rocks!
Papa Roach: Paranormal Tendencies breeder.
Kate Bush : A recent music interest, a friend recommended. For those of you who like janis joplin, sheryl crow, Alanis morisette .. give her a shot.
Pearl Jam: Most of their songs are hard to forget (they're about one to two words) and they're outstanding.
KISS: Their live acts are staggering. A must watch for the stage show afficionados!


At 12:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice list! You omitted a few...

Led Zeppelin - when it's time for great rock

The Doors - great driving music too

Dire Straits - music for the background

And many more, just can't remember them now!

yep, Brit Rock rocks!! (sic)

And yes, check out, they have a nice iTunes plugin that observes what you are listening to and recommends more based on that (you can also find other people with similar interests and check out their music using this.)

At 3:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot

Pink FLoyd: When you'r stoned
BackstreetBoys: Whom you'd want to stone!

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Harish said...

sids ~ yep will come out with a follow up. the itunes plugin similar to pandora's music gnome project eh? nice will check out

gautam ~ teehee

At 7:11 PM , Blogger krishna said...

Norah Jones - great music when in bed and staring at the ceiling.

Savage Garden - when you are trying to impress a girl

Eminem - when she's done with you

Indian Pop/Remixes - when you are deaf( and not blind yet)

At 4:48 PM , Blogger Harish said...

KK ~ Norah Jones - great music when in bed and staring at the ceiling. err sounds a tad gay to me ;-) , like this time when this guy says kenny-g - when you feel like having a long bubble bath in your bathtub on a hot afternoon. Nevertheless, she's got monstruous talent!

At 1:14 PM , Blogger Daysleeper said...

i thought u found kate bush weird?:)

At 6:30 PM , Blogger Harish said...

yep and the "weird" thing is what is common between her and floyd for first timers.. the music is vaguely similar too.Your weird recommendations are highly welcome :-)


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