Sunday, November 13, 2005

Catch 2wo 2housand 2wo hundred and 2wenty 2wo- Part Deux

There was no sight of any life around me.. It took a while to digest the gravity of the situation.
I had a solution..As unconstitutional and unhealthy as it may seem, maybe I could climb up the terrace and jump off and distract the attention from the car and save myself the embarassment..cause i'd be dead before anybody could take note of the car.
But as they say, death is not the solution its just the easy way out to utopia..

I went around scanning the car weighing my options. Breaking the window, forcing the door out or screaming out in agony did occur to me , but jumping off the terrace was easier.
Cursing yourself at a situation like this doesn't help.. Neither does kicking your car's tire in frantic impulsive motions repeatedly.
Some bachelor dudes across the street who were partying late night happened to notice the circus and pitched in to help, only of course after having laughed for about 15 mins straight. They offered me their phone and a number which apparently was of a 24 hours emergency car-breakdown service. I was able to get in touch with this guy who hooked me up with another mechanic. And the rest is HISTORY....


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